About David C. Antonucci
David C. Antonucci
David C. Antonucci is a dynamic presenter who provides entertaining and informative presentations on science, history and recreation subjects on the Lake Tahoe area. David delivers his 40-60 minute presentations live with rich supplemental graphics including photos, maps, video clips and diagrams. Narrated in easily understandable language, the presentations are suitable for general audiences.
David is a 39+ years resident of Lake Tahoe, holds two degrees in civil and environmental engineering and has over 41 years of experience in engineering, management and community leadership. He is a well-known local historian who advises local media and community groups on local history. He is a frequent presenter to conference groups on a wide range of topics. He has published the booklet the Natural World of Lake Tahoe, a number of professional papers, and three books. His book, Snowball’s Chance – The Story of the 1960 Olympic Winter Games won the 2009 Ullr Award from the International Ski History Association His book, Fairest Picture – Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe is enjoyed by many who enjoy reading about theTahoe adventures of the great American humorist and author.
The fees for all programs are $295 in the Lake Tahoe area and include projection equipment projector, computer, screen, projection platform, and power cords) and setup. The client is responsible for all other site arrangements including room, seating, sound system, power outlet and podium. Special fees and expenses may apply where a special admission is charged or travel outside the Tahoe-Truckee region. Rates and charges are subject to change without notice. For booking arrangements, you can reach him directly at through the Contact page, (530) 525-5410 (office), 775-722-3502 (mobile), or contact the meeting planner at your resort destination.
Lake of the Sky -- The Story of Lake Tahoe
This presentation brings a broad introduction and overview of the important facts and unique history of Lake Tahoe to everyone. Hear about Tahoe’s exceptional size, depth and clarity. Understand its long history as a supplier of lumber and water and as a recreational playground. Audience members will have a greater understanding of the area, leading to a deeper appreciation and lasting memories of Lake Tahoe. The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a valuable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees...
Amazing Facts About Lake Tahoe
Centered on the most frequently asked questions and mysteries about Lake Tahoe, this presentation highlights and explains the unique natural wonders of geology, lake depth, water clarity, elevation and natural history of Lake Tahoe that set it apart from all other lakes. The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a valuable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.
Environmental History of Lake Tahoe – Whose Lake Is It Anyway?
Explore the relationship between Lake Tahoe and its human inhabitants beginning with the Washoe Tribe and going through eras of pioneers, loggers, hoteliers, land developers, environmentalists, homeowners and tourists. Learn how human impact affected the water, forests, land and wildlife of the Tahoe Basin and the lingering effects we see today. Find out how a bi-state compact imposed stringent land use controls and curtailed growth. The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a valuable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees. The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a valuable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.
Tribes, Timber & Tourists: A Journey into Lake Tahoe History
Tahoe has 165 years of recorded history that has seen a number of eras come and pass. Beginning with the Washoe Tribe, we learn about their idyllic life at Tahoe. We then move though time by visiting eras that cover exploration, exploitation of forests and water, early 20th Century tourism, ornate estates for the wealthy, land development for second homes, the rise of casino style gaming and the struggle to preserve the Lake.The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a valuable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a memorable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.
Fibs, Fakes and Falsehoods -- Mistaken Tahoe
Much of the “information” and “facts” about Lake Tahoe that appear in print and on the Internet are inaccurate. They arise from ignorance, word-of-mouth myth and over-exuberant exaggeration. Was Kit Carson really there when Tahoe was discovered? Does “Tahoe” actually mean big water, high water or grasshopper soup? Does the sky really give Lake Tahoe its famed blue color? Did Mark Twain camp near Glenbrook or is that the result of wild storytelling and faulty historical research? Does Lake Tahoe resist freezing because the lake is too deep to freeze? Do bodies actually remain in a suspended state deep in the lake? Find out the real answers to these and other long-held Tahoe fictions when David C. Antonucci presents “Fibs, Fakes and Falsehoods – Mistaken Tahoe.” The companion booklet, Natural World of Lake Tahoe, is available for purchase for $6.00 each and makes for a memorable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.
Fairest Picture -- Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe
In 1861, the man who would become Mark Twain hiked to Lake Tahoe to stake a claim for a timber ranch. He spent many blissful days on the Lake but carelessly allowed his campfire to escape, creating a spectacular wildfire. He later wrote about his experiences in his 1872 memoir, Roughing It. Follow his footsteps from Carson City and see the locations where he camped and relaxed. See the same views that inspired him to declare Tahoe as the “fairest picture the whole earth affords.” Copies of David Antonucci’s groundbreaking book, Fairest Picture – Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe, are available for purchase at $18 each and make for a memorable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees.
Snowball’s Chance – The Story of the 1960 Olympic Winter Games
In 1960, the eyes of the world focused on Squaw Valley and Lake Tahoe as the Winter Olympics played out on a world stage. Nearly 900 athletes from 30 countries converged to compete and share the spirit and ideals of the Olympic movement. Hear and see the individual stories of enigma and invention, written off underdogs that ultimately come out on top and a promise to win gold made to deceased loved one. Learn about the first “Miracle on Ice” by the American “Team of Destiny.” Copies of David Antonucci’s award-winning book, Snowball's Chance -- The Story of the 1960 Olympic Winter Games, are available for purchase at $16 each and make for a memorable keepsake for visitors and conference attendees..